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Diamond Center December Events

Drum and Healing Circle

December 17th 2:00 - 4:00

Circle is open to the public. The most powerful personal healings are received when we endeavor to heal others. Please join us in a Native American ceremony to balance the Masculine and Feminine energy in order to bring healing to ourselves and our community.with the help of mother Drum and our spirit Allies. In preparation for this powerful healing ceremony we will journey to the "song doctors" in the Upper world to receive healing songs for ourselves and for the participants who need healing.! We would be grateful if Shamanic Healers who are members of this circle, join us.

Cost $15.00

Winter Solstice Fire Ceremony

December 20 6:00 - 8:00

Join us in community for a special evening of ritual and ceremony to embrace the gifts of winter, a sacred time of inner reflection, of endings and beginnings. Honor yourself with a peaceful moment away from the busy holiday season.

This evening we’ll honor our ancestors in the sacredness of the Andean and Native American traditions by:

  • Participating in a Candlelight Ritual

  • Creating a Despacho (Andean offering)

  • Culminating the offering with a Fire Ceremony (if weather allows)

Cost: $15

Bring your friends, drums & rattles (extras to share.) Wear warm clothes for the outside Fire Ceremony.

Celebrating with Shamanic Drumming

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