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Weekend Workshop

It's not too late to sign up for our weekend workshop on Basic Shamanism

Please join us:A beginners Guide to Shamanism.May 21 – May 22 May 21 at 9 AM to May 22 at 5 PM

PLacerville Drum Circle

Smith Flat House -2021 Smith Flat Rd, Placerville, CA This workshop is open to anyone interested in furthering or starting their connection with Spirit.Participants will be introduced to the basic elements of shamanism and the basic methods that shamans use to enter”non-ordinary”reality in order to learn how to resolve personal issues and how to bring Healing to themselves and others.Particular emphasis will be placed on the “shamanic journey”, one of the methods used by shamans to explore this hidden reality, normally known through myths and dreams.Participants will experience the “shamanic journey”, helped by the sound of the drum.They will get direct experience in the “shamanic state of consciousness” which, in addition to awaken spiritual abilities, also reactivates the connection with Mother Earth, with nature and with themselves. Participants will also learn specific techniques, used by shamans not only to meet Power Animals and Spirit Guides but to also learn basic Divination.They will also learn how to integrate the basic principles of shamanism in their daily lives in order to maintain health and well-being for themselves, for the community and the planet.Please bring a rattle or a drum, if possible. Wear comfortable clothes and socks, bring a scarf to cover your eyes during shamanic journeying, a blanket, a pen and a notebook to write down your shamanic experiences.

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